This is a picture taken before I received the lash extensions. As you can see, my lashes aren't that short, but they aren't ridiculously long.
This is a picture taken after I got the lash extensions. My lashes look A LOT longer than they were.
Here are some things that I've learned about lash extensions:
1. It takes about an hour and a half to apply the initial set of lashes - It's a big time commitment to get the lashes and maintain them.
2. It's a painless procedure - Your lashes won't feel any different once the extensions are on. You'd think they would feel heavy, but they feel as if nothing is on your lashes.
3. When the lashes get either initially put on or replaced, you can't get them wet for 48 hours - Be sure to wash your hair and shower before getting your lashes put on that day. Using a clear shower cap over your hair and eyes when you shower helps so you don't get your lashes wet by accident! You can also use goggles. This sounds silly, but it really works!
4. It takes about 45 minutes every 2-3 weeks to have the lashes "filled", or replaced - You have to commit to filling the lashes each week, or they'll fall out.
5. It's very EXPENSIVE! - It costs about $250 to get the initial set, which is about 40-60 lashes; and $75-$95 to get the lashes filled every 2-3 weeks. *Remember to check your salon's pricing - every salon is different.*
6. You don't have to use your eyelash curler at all! - I have a lot of lashes, but they're straight and don't have a natural curl to them. I found myself using my eyelash curler a lot during the day in order to ensure that my lashes were curled prior to getting extensions. I would even carry my eyelash curler in my bag when I went out at night with my friends! Needless to say, I am obsessed with my lashes being curled. When you have lash extensions, you should not use an eyelash curler as it can damage the extensions.
7. It doesn't affect your natural lashes or the lash growth - Don't worry, your lashes won't fall out, and nothing bad will happen to them after getting the extensions.
8. You don't have to wear mascara- You don't have to wear regular mascara or waterproof mascara in the pool or ocean, and your lashes will still look good after! You also don't have to worry about your mascara running.
9. You can't use certain mascaras if you feel the need to wear mascara - Most mascaras are oil-based, which means that the lash extensions will slide right off of your eyelash if you apply them. You should purchase the mascara made especially for the lashes, which is water-based.
10. You have to use an oil-free makeup remover - This is a relatively easy practice to get used to. All you have to do is switch to oil-free makeup remover pads.
11. You can't toss and turn in your sleep! - I move a lot when I sleep, so this was hard for me to get used to. You should sleep on your back since the lashes aren't hitting the pillow, which causes them to either bend in a weird direction, or fall off. Usually, my right eyelashes fall off more because I sleep on my right side.
12. They add a ton of length to the lash - As you can see from the pictures above, there's a dramatic difference in my lash length.
I hope this helps you decide whether or not lash extensions are the right choice for you! :)
They definitely add length to your lashes, making them look long and luscious. Sucks that you can't toss and turn in your sleep. That's tough! Thanks for sharing your experience.
ReplyDeleteJust wanted to let you know I am having a contest for 6 M.A.C products.
Ive been thinking of how that works actually, thanks for the list :) I think it seems very annoying to have to pay that much for something that doesnt last very long. Id guess a lash nutrition serum would be better and worth the money?
ReplyDeleteHoni - No problem! :)
ReplyDeleteIt is a little difficult to pay that much, but I really feel it's so worth it to not have to use mascara and my eyelash curler several times a day.
I'm a bit skeptical about a lot of lash nutrition serums such as Latisse, Revitalash, and Rapidlash because of the results I have seen. Check out Lollipop26's blog about her results with Rapidlash - it deterred me from ever using one of those products!
Some mascaras contain beneficial ingredients for your lashes such as Urban Decay's Multi-Benefit Mascara - check out my review here:
Thanks for your comment! Hope to hear from you soon! :)